
कृपया ध्यान दीजिये

मुझे यह मेल मिला तो लगा कि यह मेल मेरे योग्य नही , यह गलत पते पर आई चिठ्ठी है , कोई भड़सी

इसे सही पते पर यानि किसी भले आदमी तक पहुँचा दे , मैं आभारी रहूंगा -हरे प्रकाश उपाध्याय


Dear Beloved,

Calvary Greetings in the name of our lord jesuschrist,Im Rev Grace Woods im the founder and the generaloverseer of the above mention ministry here in the UK,im 72yrs of ages, considering the fact that yourinformations before me show that you can be of goodhelp to my request,being you a fellow believer of thesame gospeli wouldnt have write you that is the only reason behind my reaching youin regards to my request which is very urgent। I have beendiagonised by a specialist hospital here that confirm to me that ihave a cancer of the heart at the moment, i have beenconfined to hospital bed since july 2007। My doctortold me that i may sucessfully lived for a period ofjust less than 4 mouths from now on। Please my requstis as follwos, (I )have a personel funds of about(456,000,)pounds which i deposited at a securitycompany in germany called gomez security firm, in 2005।Please as a matter of fact im willing to used thesefunds to assist the less priviledges ones statedbelow asfollows (1 )of recent i read about civil unrest indanfur in Sudan where children were beenkilled,thousands of them,(2)Somalia, pakistani iraqand the rest of them all,and (3)phillipines werechildern are dying of hunger, Please take note ofthese,this place i mention are my area of interest,what i want from you is to establish a warefarelocations to benefit the childern, that establishment will stand as anNGOS in that country please upon your acceptance of help to myrequest i will sent to you my private cellnumbers were i can be reach at the hospital at themoment,and my lawyer contact address,who will provideall legal documentations freeing you from anylitigations,finally you have the right to suggess your conditions of assistance, iim willing i accept it if not i will let you know in a swiftresponse,please you can personelly reach me at this एड्रेस rev.grace@sify.com


Rev Grace।

This info,belong to my lawyer।Names Brown Spunt,DX 246865 Chesterfield 11Address: Cs42 Lawyers Limited, Millennium Way,Chesterfield, S44 6NDTelephone: +447025378755+447024018550

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