
Bhadas: A window to the world of Indian media

A website has become a forum for raising media-related issues in India, especially the Hindi print and electronic media.

No longer can a newpaper refuse to pay salaries to a stringer or a group sack its staffers without a whimper. It was an irony that exploitation within the media world remained unreported and nobody could raise voice.But the website Bhadas4Media has changed all that.

Yashwant Singh, who is the editor of the site, is credited for brining this change. When Bhadas reported that a particular media group hadn't paid its stringers, the news reached across the Indian media world and the money was released.

When Dainik Bhaskar, a prominent Hindi newspaper group, that is a profitable venture, started sacking journalists without rhyme and reason, the site raised the issue and Bhaskar editors had to send emails to stop the panic and put an end to the controversy that was bringing negative publicity.The website has achieved this fame in little time.

Literally Bhadas (or Bhadaas), a Hindustani-Urdu-Hindi word is used for giving vent to one's angst, frustration or pentup anger.The website has brought a sea change as things which couldn't be printed in papers, are being openly reported and discussed. News from this journalistic watchdog website spreads across media circles in a matter of minutes.Apart from news from within media, the interviews and autobiographical accounts of journalists have made the site, a successful venture.

Our congratulations to Bhadas4Media Team and the Editor Mr Yashwant Singh.

(साभारः एडिटइंडिया)

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