Bhadas ब्लाग में पुराना कहा-सुना-लिखा कुछ खोजें.......................


लाइलाज और जानलेवा लीवर कैंसर में बुडविग उपचार का चमत्कारी प्रभाव

Budwig Protocol Testimonial 

A mail from Liver Cancer Patient from Bangalore - 

Respected Dr. Verma,

Many many thanks for consulting my mother and showing us great healing path.

Mummy was feeling much better today. I think the coffee enema is the biggest contributor in her feeling well.
Q1. Should we give coffee enema, 1 morning and 1 evening, to reduce itching?

Q2. Sauerkraut Juice is ready. I put the solution in a mixie, and then strained it through a thin loin cloth. I have got 2 ltrs (picture is attached). We all tasted a few drops and it is wonderful. It has a rejuvenating taste. How much should mummy take at a time?

Thanks and regards,


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