Bhadas ब्लाग में पुराना कहा-सुना-लिखा कुछ खोजें.......................


एक कैंसर यौद्धा की कहानी

Name of Patient is Mr. Ratan Lal. He is an accountant working in J.K.J.Jewellers of Jaipur. He had some difficulty in swallowing in July, 2014. He was given supportive treatment his doctor. He was not able to talk and eat properly. On August 4 he was diagnosed as Squamous cell Carcinoma. Doctor wanted to operate him immediately and then Chemo or Radiation. But one of relative Duli Chand Karel told him to visit Dr. O.P.Verma at Kota. He was advised to follow Budwig Protocol sincerely. He was asked to take Om Khand (Oil-Protein Muesli) twice a day, fruit and vegetable juices. For detoxification Coffee Enema, Soda Bicarb bath, Sun therapy and massage was advised. He was also told to do Meditation, Yog Nidra, Pranayam and Visualization. Positive attitude is very important. He followed this treatment very sincerely. Results are mind blowing in just 28 days. His Tumor has started shrinking. He is eating and talking comfortably. Mr. Ratan Lal is very confidant and positive.

Dr. O.P.Verma
M.B.B.S., M.R.S.H.(London)
7-B-43, Mahaveer Nagar III, Kota Raj.
हमारी संस्था हर बड़े शहर में कैंसर हॉस्पीटल बनाने जा रही है, जहाँ कैंसर के रोगियों का बुडविग प्रोटोकोल द्वारा उपचार किया जाएगा।
मोक्ष के द्वार खोलने वाली अलसी माता परम सुखदायी है। माँ अपने भक्तों की समस्त इच्छाओं की पूर्ति करती है। इसलिए हम अलसी मां का एक विशाल अलसी मंदिर भी बनवा रहे हैं।
मैं आपसे गुजारिश करती हूँ कि आप हमारी संस्था को यथा संभव अपना आर्थिक सहयोग देकर संस्था को सशक्त बनाये।
मीना सुमन
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