Bhadas ब्लाग में पुराना कहा-सुना-लिखा कुछ खोजें.......................


GIJN offering three media outlets free, in-depth assessments of their organization

Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN) Advisory Services, under its Investigative Journalism Media Assessment Program (IJ-MAP) is offering three small-to-medium media outlets free, in-depth assessments of their organization, and follow-up with expert advice in priority areas.

This support is for an Asian independent media organization producing watchdog journalism.

Producing strong investigative journalism is demanding, leaving little time to review an organization’s strengths and weaknesses and to assess what is needed for future success. Organizational assessments require hard-earned resources as well, which is a barrier to smaller, independent media outlets. GIJN would like to help.

We will select three organizations through a competitive process and via application. From July to December 2021 the three organizations will participate in GIJN’s new Investigative Journalism Media Assessment Program (IJ-MAP), with access to consultants who will work with them to do an overall assessment of such areas as: investigative and data journalism; newsroom organization; marketing; audiences; business capacity; fundraising and revenue streams; management and organizational development; safety and security. All consulting will take place online.

Please see this link:  which is self-explanatory. It also has the link to apply in this selection process of IJ-MAP.

You may call me at my phone +91 9425014920 or email me at for any queries or information.

Thanks and Regards,

Deepak Tiwari

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