Bhadas ब्लाग में पुराना कहा-सुना-लिखा कुछ खोजें.......................


The aims and objectives of Rashtriya Jagruk Matdaata Manch

प्रेस विज्ञप्ति
The Rashtriya Jagruk Matdaata Manch (RJMM) communicates its aims and objectives by three key-words – nationalism, equality and firmness. Our objective is not to confine ourselves to voting, voter and voting process. We want to see the voter awakened as a citizen even after the elections. Not only should one be politically awakened as a voter but one should remain awakened as a citizen as well and should take note of what is happening in the country; of what should happen and what should not happen.

We want that the country alone should be at the centre stage of one’s thinking. The country should be at the centre of the circle of his thoughts. He should understand how parochial in approach the politicians and political parties that raise the issues of caste, religion, language, region, province and locality are and how their short-sighted approach is turning the situation from bad to worse. We want to awaken the people to the historical fact that whenever India’s central power got weakened, alien powers were provided with the opportunity to spread their influence over here. Therefore, it should be the foremost duty of every citizen not to allow the central power of the country to be weakened by considerations of caste, religion, language etc. It is therefore imperative that one should not vote for those engaged in politics based on such considerations.

The RJMM has two objectives with regard to voters’ awakening. The first is that the voter should not be indifferent to the voting process. Secondly, the voter should have a nationalistic outlook and should vote only for political parties with a nationalistic outlook. State level parties are making people myopic. They have in their outlook province first and the nation afterwards. This selfish outlook is anti-national. The uninformed voter is swayed by such parochial appeal. Informed voter on the other hand steers clear of such parties knowing that they are not useful for the country and doesn’t participate in the polling process. Thus we have before us a triangle. On one side of the triangle are parochial parties; on the second are uninformed voters and on the third are informed voters. All the three are rendering the system faulty. The first is indulging in the small-minded politics of caste, religion, language etc.; the second is promoting them by voting thoughtlessly and the third is neglecting his duty (it will be better to call it Dharma) by his apathetic attitude.

RJMM wants that the voter should be so much awakened as to make the first practise the right kind of politics, the second to cast his vote in the right manner and the third to fulfil his duty. It is only then that the all-round development of the nation will be possible.
The second objective is equality. This word finds place in the preamble of the Constitution also. Equality means that everybody should have easy access to all opportunities for progress. The resources should not be under the control of powerful and privileged sections of the society. A group of people has appropriated our democracy and converted it to rob-o-cracy whereby the dream of establishing a welfare state in the country has been dashed upon the rocks. Our socialist ideals have been converted to capitalist ones. Consequently, the entire social structure has been turned upside down. The Constitution has given fundamental rights to the people but in practice so many of them are forced to do without their fundamental rights. So many are being subjected to inequality at the hands of the casteist system fostered by reservations. RJMM wants that citizens should get from the state protection on economic grounds not reservations. This will put a leash on the growing caste-conflicts and parties engaged in caste-based politics.
This second key-word of RJMM points also towards our efforts in the direction of social awakening. Our objective through social awakening will also be to put an end to ill will and animosity between castes as also between communities. Nobody should be in a position to induce another person to convert to his own religion taking advantage of the latter’s destitution, poverty or some other vulnerability. The state should send a clear message that it is determined to usher in social harmony and to build a social system based on equality. If the state doesn’t do so and encourages the politics of caste, religion and language, it is not doing the correct thing. This also requires that the present system of education, which is encouraging religious animosity, should be discarded and new system of education designed to develop the religion of humanitarianism should be promoted so that a well-cultured society is built up and people have spontaneous respect for all human beings. Only then we can speak of equality in real terms being established in the country.

Now we come to the third point, that of firmness. The parties engaged in the politics of caste, community, language etc. are forming unholy opportunistic coalitions. Such politics is a fraud being played with the people of India; it is a deception. Parties spitting venom against one another in the course of electioneering join hands to share the spoils after the elections. Such coalitions are illegitimate children of election results. These parties don’t declare before the elections as to who there leader (nominee for the post of PM) would be. After the elections, these parties elect their leader who is answerable more to the parties and MPs who have elected him than to the people. This leads to the politics of pressure and the PM is incapable of showing any amount of firmness in his decisions. The result is lowering of country’s image in the comity of nations. The country’s image is painted as a weak nation. This is the reason why our neighbours regard the Government of our country as weak and don’t attach much importance to India’s point of view.

RJMM wants that strong steps should be taken towards ardent nationalism so as to build a powerful nation, so as to set up a political leadership that can present India’s point of view forcefully at international forums, so that no country can play with the nation’s honour, identity and soveriegnity. RJMM appeals to the electorate to vote for such candidates in the coming Lok Sabha elections whose thinking is nationalistic and who are serious towards resolving the problems the country is faced with. They should vote in such people who are determined to build a social system based on equality and in whose eyes is clearly visible a dream of building a nation strong, powerful and full of self-pride. The candidates hoping to win elections on the strength of their money bags or their guns should be consigned to the dustbin of history. Let us not fritter away this opportunity for a silent revolution. Let us display wakefulness in all situations and circumstances. Let us take stock of the situation and change the future of the nation.

- Rakesh Kumar Arya,
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